My birthday was a little over a week ago and one of my gifts from my husband was a small journal. He got it for me to do all my doodles in. Before I literally did them in my regular journal. I Really didn't think I would like drawing in a journal with only doodles, I was wrong. I Love it! I also love opening it and having all those little scribbles/doodles to speak and inspire me! I also write verses in there so when I do get "inspired" I have a verse that will fit the drawing.
Now I find myself matching a drawing from one page, with a verse from another page. A process before searching and searching my other journal took forever!! That seems to be the path of learning for me right now, New Perspective. Not huge shifts, just taking a moment to see things different. One day in prayer I was led to stand in the far corner in our den. I was impressed that the Lord was whispering what do you see? I thought the den!?!? He asked again, knowing since the question came again, my first answer was not what He was trying to get me to see. I thought and said well a different angle than I normally see, He said yes... A New Perspective, same room. This is how I want you to pray... Show me where I am, what I am doing and how I am thinking with New Perspective. It has been very interesting, sometimes awkward, yet I am learning things that have always been there, new wisdom and a new journal that makes my inspiration and flow even better. God is not out to make me awkward or uncomfortable, but He is all into me changing, growing and becoming more like him, but I Must be willing to TRUST Him in all Things. All.... and because I am human it is going to feel awkward and uncomfortable! Yet, the latter choice of being comfortable, not changing, not growing... Stuck in a place I believe I "know" or I already "heard or saw" is not what I want either! So I welcome New Prospective and cling to all He has for me.... Trust. Seek Him for your New Persective. Here are just a couple of doodles from my new journal. Blessings, Katie
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New piece of furniture!! This piece I have had at my house. I took it from show to show, needless to say it was in need of TLC! Decide to completely redesign the look. I love the way it turned out, but I never use this little table anymore... So I am selling it. It comes with a round glass on top to protect the art. If you love, want it let me know. Selling this precious piece for $95.00.
Blessings!!☺ |